Recent Videos

One of the most powerful storytelling tools, the use of video as a communications strategy has increased exponentially over the past 10 years. As algorithms continue to favor video and animated content, it is imperative for any content calendar to include video.

My recent work is crafted specifically for social media where short-form videos have proven to be a meaningful way to build connection and increase visibility for organizations, programs, and events.

I have a deep love for video. I love filming and editing videos, building a narrative to tell the story. I love exploring audio and music until I find the perfect fit for the tone and tenor of the story. With 30 years working with still photographs as my primary medium, I have been working with video for nearly ten years and I am still infatuated with it.

Below are several of my and my team’s recent videos crafted for social media. To view the videos, click on each image which is live linked to the original post.


In the Archives