Jailed For Freedom

In my role as Marketing & Community Engagement Director at Alice Paul Institute (API), a non-profit organization dedicated to women’s history and voting rights, I developed the communications strategy around a central theme: elevate women’s stories and promote civic engagement around voting.

Throughout 2020, the centennial year of the 19th Amendment’s ratification which extended voting rights to women, I created a series of social media campaigns to inform and inspire voters. The #JailedForFreedom campaign was designed to highlight the stories of the many women that were arrested, jailed, and imprisoned for picketing in front of President Woodrow Wilson’s White House in 1919. Organized by Alice Paul, this was the first public protest of a sitting president ever in U.S. history.

This campaign ran on the organization’s Facebook and Instagram platforms during the month of October 2020, leading up to the national election in November. It had a high rate of engagement, specifically the number of shares on Facebook.


@RITTigers on TikTok


Video: Alice Paul Institute - An Introduction