Video: Alice Paul Institute - An Introduction

In my role as Marketing & Community Engagement Director at Alice Paul Institute (API), a non-profit organization dedicated to women’s history and voting rights, I developed the communications strategy around a central theme: elevate women’s stories and promote civic engagement around voting. Video was one of the tools we used to tell the story of the organization and Alice Paul’s civil rights work.

This video, Alice Paul Institute - An Introduction, was crafted in 2019 as part of the organization’s efforts to build momentum for the 2020 centennial celebrations of the 19th Amendment’s ratification to the United States Constitution in 1920. I collaborated with my colleagues on the script, edited the photographs to be included, and recorded the audio (yep, that’s my voice on the narration). The video now how over 6K views, and is used often in presentations.

Click the image below to view the video on YouTube, or click here.


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